Eastern Europe Chapter of the Committee to Support the ITNJ
Chapter Manifesto / Vision Statement
The Eastern Europe Chapter was founded in Lithuania and now also welcomes volunteers and cases from all countries in Eastern Europe. This Chapter’s philosophy and practical steps are based on certain specific features of a post-communistic society:
- Open lying to the citizens and stealing from the governmental funds. It is considered to be a norm of social behavior as it was during soviet times. Law system suffers the most: the habit of unpunishable lying creates the best possible conditions for corruption.
- Struggle between patriotically minded citizens who still remember slogans of Independency and professional liars in the government is so evident and painful that makes it possible to organize new non-governmental organizations for the defence of truth in all spheres of life. Population is not HUMBLE.
On the basis of the issues stated above I see the future of the Eastern Europe Chapter as the main project of the Lithuanian Cultural Fund, because Law is the concentrated reflection of National Culture.
Practical introduction of the ITNJ into society I see through making influence on the behavior of judges and civil servants by demanding PERSONAL responsibility for their decisions.
We do it already now in two big cases against corrupt corporations for people to understand that ITNJ PHILOSOPHY is very PRACTICAL. I’m registering the Eastern Europe Chapter according to all Lithuanian Law requirements to enable the chapter to be on the same level as every other governmental or non-governmental organization.
Lina Helstein, Chapter Chair
I have joined the ITNJ team as the Eastern Europe Chapter Chair after ten years of maturation as a stubborn litigant defending my personal business and property from invasion of newly emerging corporations after the crash of the soviet regime. Those ten years were also a test of me as vice-president of the Lithuanian Cultural Fund being so sure that intellectuals are that force which is the right counterweight to the corrupt government members and courts. To tell the the truth, I was a bit euphoric about the inevitable and quick defeat of corrupt liars in the governmental corridors at the start of these ten years. Nevertheless it was namely euphoria and belief in
truth that conditioned my further involvement in defense using legal means and led to the experience of today about the strength of human soul and mind. Below is my short life history before I got involved full time in law and practical defence of my property.
Career history
In 1986 I was graduated from Vilnius State University (Lithuania) with excellent marks and was offered a position of a lecturer in the same University. September 1986 to 1988 taught English language and literature at Vilnius University, Kaunas faculty. After excellent evaluation of my first teaching year I was proposed to begin writing scientific study in new technologies of teaching. Accepting this proposal I also accepted a position as Director of a kindergarten to apply progressive teaching methods in practise.
From 1988 to 1995 I was a Director of a kindergarten with a staff of 137 employees and approximately 300 children. At the same time I initiated a new trend in teaching – Montessori method – as an experimental schooling in the same kindergarten. At the same time I was involved in the Montessori Society as a vice-president of it. Success was there and my kindergarten was entitled a status of an experimental school for best teaching methods.
I was writing scientific and introductory articles for Lithuanian state media and becoming known as an expert in new learning methodologies. For that reason I was proposed a position of a Director of Kaunas Business Centre.
Since 1995 I have served as a Director of Kaunas Business Centre with the youth’s non-alcoholic disco centre operating together and in the same complex of buildings. I was leading these activities both as a director and a share-holder. Very modern business and life management technique – “Time manager international” – was also introduced by this business centre to Lithuanian society. At the same time I was involved in Lithuanian Cultural Fund as a vice-president.
Since 2002 Kaunas Business Centre was involved into gathering and analyzing of law solutions in privatisation of governmental real-estate and bankruptcy problems as the greatest challenges of post-soviet societies. It also became my private business with a very valuable real estate in the center of the city. This was the main reason that attracted intellectual thieves to use “ legal“ methods seeking to overpower my property. I do not dare to qualify it a “tragedy”: it was a big challenge being left with very minimal means for living, but leading to the awareness of the anatomy of fraud in my country.
Profile of the Chapter Members
The members of the chapter are mainly law professionals and litigants, also intellectuals. The age is beginning from 35. Proportions between men and women are more or less equal. To become a member they must fulfill mainly one requirement: to have done some practical steps in society defending the Truth to confirm the philosophy of righteous human being.
We are based in Kaunas.
Contact email: EasternEurope@ITNJcommittee.org
Our basic volunteer needs:
- Law Researchers – Information and knowledge about the truthful laws and facts the world stands on
- Facebook Page Admins who can do page setup and posting
- Translators
- IT Support
ITNJ Treaty in Lithuanian
Tarptautinio Prigimtinės Teisės Tribunolo Sutartis
Parašai ant šios Sutarties yra žmonių, įgaliojusių Tarptautinio Prigimtinių teisių Tribunolo sukūrimą balsas. Prašome perskaityti ir pasirašyti šį istorinį dokumentą.
Suteikianti įgaliojimus Tarptautinio Prigimtinės Teisės Tribunolo veiklai
Aš ,pasirašydamas (-a) šią sutartį, esu pilnametis (-ė), niekieno neverčiamas(-a), neįkalbinėjamas(-a), niekam negrasinant, laisva valia ir būdamas(-a) sveiko proto įgalioju Tarptautinį Prigimtinės Teisės Tribunolą atstovauti mane ir veikti mano vardu.
Piliečio vardas, pavardė:
Pasirašymo data:
Supratęs (-usi) tiesą, kad nuo gimimo momento visi me sesame tape priklausomi nuo korporacijų ir valdančiųjų instititucijų,kurios ,pagal savo prigimtį nebetarnauja nei žmonėms,nei Planetai, nuoširdžiai atšaukiu visus tokius įpareigojimus,kurie apsunkino, apakino ar siekė apriboti mūsų pačius tauriausius siekius.Taigi, kaip lygūs tarp lygių, mes pareiškiame apie savo teises šioje Žemėje , kurias Kūrėjas įtvirtino mūsų viduje,o šis pareiškimas tebūnie nuo šiol garantu, kad visų žmonių teisės,tiesa ir teisingumas bus atstatyti pasaulyje,
Mes, akistatoje su šia tiesa,kurią jau esame pažinę, supratę ir nešiojomės savo viduje, pareiškiame, kad nuo šiol ir iki Mūsų dienų pabaigos vadovausimės tik ja viena.
Paklusdami tai rimtai pareigai, apie kurią kalbama aukščiau ir vadovaudamiesi sąžinės balsu, tvirtiname šią sutartį, turėdami vienintelį ir sąžiningą tikslą: sugrąžinti pasauliui teisingumą tiesos ir proto padedami.
Taigi, Tiesa yra tai, kad:
- Teisės pagrindas visų pirma yra nuostata, kad nekenkiame vienas kitam.
- Žala ar skriauda bet kokia savo forma yra tai, ką atliko žmogus žmogui, nepriklausomai nuo to, ar kenkėjas veikė dengdamasis pareiga teisei, korporacijai, institucijai.
- Skriauda bet kokia savo forma kyla ir yra nukreipta tik iš žmogaus į žmogų, net ir tada,kai apsimestinai prisidengiama ekonominės veiklos pasekmėmis.
- Nei korporacijos ar institucijos suteikiamas imunitetas, nei teisės aktų pritempimas iki savo tikslų nepateisina kenkėjo prieš nuskriaustąjį.
- Joks žmogus negali būti spaudžiamas neteisėtais teismo veiksmais prisipažinti ar nusileisti, jei tas žmogus negali tinkamai įvertinti aplinkybių visumos kuriomis prisipažįsta ar nusileidžia.
Mes, pasaulio vyrai ir moterys, siekdami galutinio tikslo-lygių teisių ir orumo kiekvienam žmonijos nariui- šia sutartimi:
TRIBUNOLAS gyvens ir veiks pagal TARPTAUTINIO PRIGIMTINĖS TEISĖS TRIBUNOLU KONSTITUCIJĄ ,su kuria esame susipažinę. Tegul žinia, kad TARPTAUTINIS PRIGIMTINĖS TEISĖS TRIBUNOLAS yra įkurtas savo KONSTITUCIJOS ir šios sutarties pagrindais, nuo šiol sklinda po visą
pasaulį ir pasiekia žmones, kurie, būdami teisūs yra nuskriausti,kurių teisės turi būti apsaugotos, nusikaltimų priežastys iškeltos į dienos šviesą, o žmogaus teises pažeidę atsakytų už savo veiksmus.
Click here to sign the ITNJ Treaty.