Committee to Support the International Tribunal for Natural Justice
The ITNJ: A Beacon of Light Leading Us Out of the Darkness of Corruption
2024 Update – The ITNJ successfully launched its 2nd Judicial Commission of Inquiry Into Weaponization of the Biosphere in Indonesia, during a 2-day Seating, June 23-24, 2019.
During 2020 through 2022 – three bizarre years for all of us – the ITNJ continued by holding digital emergency hearings on the worldwide crisis: Corona Pandemic and the Planetary Shutdown.
Presently the ITNJ Commissioners – in tandem with the ITNJ Board of Trustees – plan to release a substantive Commissioners’ Report slated for Q4 2024 after all final human trafficking and child sex abuse digital testimonies have been received. This noble Commission of Inquiry has been ongoing … with many working behind-the-scenes during a global crisis that has presented various challenges to us all.
As you may know… some of our content (especially a few digital seatings) were actually censored (removed/deleted) in social media outlets. We have done our best in this regard and are re-calibrating.
And, we kindly appreciate your patience as we move forward in grace …
Thank you for staying-tuned.
The 2nd Commission of Inquiry Into Weaponization of the Biosphere: You may visit this website dedicated to its ongoing progress with more testimony videos to be embedded:
If you are new to our worldwide endeavors at the ITNJ, this video below gives a brief historical timeline of the ITNJ creation and its first Judicial Commission of Inquiry Into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse (that was launched in early 2018 in London, UK, and still ongoing …).
Learn more of the ITNJ and its Inaugural Judicial Commission of Inquiry:
On 15 June 2017 the ITNJ Board of Trustees issued an official announcement of the ITNJ Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse. (Visit the site for all Press Releases.) This Judicial Commission has been in progress since its Seating at Westminster Hall, London, UK in April of 2018; and it shall release an in-depth Commissioners’ Report slated for late 2024.
The initial Judicial Commission of Inquiry Dossier gathered examples of human trafficking, child sex abuse rings, satanic ritual abuse, and MK-Ultra mind control, focusing primarily on cases involving those at the highest echelons of government and society. Information on most cases has been in the public domain for years, thus inclusion for publication in this dossier prior to the Judicial Commission of Inquiry hearings will not prejudice presentation of evidence to be heard.
The ITNJ is an Independent International Tribunal Mandated By the People
Most courts in the world are completely controlled by for-profit government corporations. The people have no voice in what passes for systems of justice. The systems claim we delegated them the authority, but we never did. Kings claimed the divine right to rule, then governments claimed the right of kings. The people never agreed to be subjects of the kings.
We the People are now standing to reclaim sovereign birthright.
We are duty-bound to stop the violence that passes for Rule of Law. The ITNJ gives us the mechanism to hold agents of justice systems accountable for injury caused to people in the name of government. Injury includes stolen birthrights, stolen homes, stolen property, stolen children, stolen lives and the wellbeing of our Biosphere.
Together, our signatures on the ITNJ Treaty mandate the establishment of the ITNJ
Therefore, YOUR signature on the ITNJ Treaty is of critical importance.
Nothing less than a worldwide mandate is needed for change of this magnitude to occur. If you have not already done so, please sign the Treaty mandating the establishment of the International Tribunal for Natural Justice. (NOTE: That link goes to our main site.)
Then please invite your friends and family to add their voices to this chorus. The voices of the People of the World – in the form of our signatures on the ITNJ Treaty – are an irrefutable global mandate for a fair and just court outside the jurisdiction of corrupt governments and corporations.
800 years after the Magna Carta, the People of the World Demand Justice
The International Tribunal for Natural Justice held its Inauguration Celebration on 14 June 2015 and its Inaugural Ceremonial Seating on 15 June 2015 to coincide with the 800th anniversary of the signing of the Magna Carta. The founders of the ITNJ timed this event to make a powerful statement and remind everyone of what the Magna Carta made clear: No-one is above the law, not even the king.
Once again, 800 years to the day, the People in and of the World demanded justice. The Inaugural Ceremonial Seating of the Tribunal was broadcast around the world via secure live-stream connection from within the corridors of power, Westminster Hall. The ITNJ Treaty was read aloud at both historic occasions.
Watch the full videos of the Inauguration and Ceremonial Seating here.
When Natural Law is the rule, entrenched systems of domination and control will give way to the will of the People
- Imagine a world where powerful banking families no longer have a death-grip on the global economy.
- Imagine a world where trans-national corporations aren’t pitting laborers of one country against those of another in a race to the lowest possible wages.
- Imagine a world with no sweatshops or child labor, where people work because they want to, not because they have to.
- Imagine nation after nation routing out corrupt politicians and holding new elections.
- Imagine a world where you can trust the 6 o’clock news, and it’s not full of fear-mongering designed to pit us against each other.
- Imagine a world where corporations that pollute entire villages clean up their messes and pay restitution.
- Imagine a world with clean energy that is free to everyone – no nuclear plants, no coal, no oil, no fracking, no toxic fumes.
- Imagine a world where safe and natural cancer treatments are available to everyone, where medical treatments don’t cause harm, and healthcare isn’t driven by greed.
- Imagine a world where everyone has plenty to eat, and all food is grown organically.
- Imagine a world with no unlawful taxes or debt slavery.
- Imagine a world with no fraudulent foreclosures.
- Imagine a world where everyone has a home.
- Imagine a truly peaceful world – join us in this manifestation.
Truth & Reconciliation to Redress Decades of Abuses
A fractal of the ITNJ, The Truth and Reconciliation Commission seeks to provide a safe and peaceful environment for those willing to come forward and tell the truth. T&R Commissions all over the world have succeeded in bringing the truth to the people in their communities by bringing both sides of an issue to light through discussion, discovery, and then a plan of action to permanently fix the problem. This might include public apologies, return of what was taken, community service, and more. One example of this type of hearing was in South Africa after apartheid, where witnesses who were identified as victims of gross human rights violations were invited to give statements about their experiences, and some were selected for public hearings. Perpetrators of violence could also give testimony and request amnesty from both civil and criminal prosecution.
In tandem with the T&R Commission, a LOTUS Initiative was planned in early 2018 – and began to blossom in 2019 – to help support ITNJ Commission of Inquiry witnesses, TIs (targeted individuals), whistleblowers, and Committee volunteers dealing with trauma from these atrocities.
Expanding during the worldwide crisis of 2020 into 2023 … LOTUS volunteer Providers continue in service to help folks to find peace in their hearts. Learn more: LOTUS Initiative (Light On Therapeutic Utilization Services) at our RESOURCES Section in the Main Menu; and sponsored/hosted at the NewEarth University website, main-menu under, Initiatives: