Aotearoa (New Zealand) Chapter/Council of the Committee to Support the ITNJ
Mission Statement of the Aotearoa Council
The Mission Statement of the Aotearoa Council of the Committee to Support the International Tribunal for Natural Justice combines the vital need in our nation today for a society that reflects the wishes of its people and the requirement for a fair judicial system that allows justice to prevail for all.
The Aotearoa Council was established in response to the many expected arrests of corrupt transnational individuals and corporations currently being exposed as the creators of global wars, laboratory-created diseases, environmental destruction, rampant perpetual poverty and pestilence on a global scale, and operating a global paedophile network.
It is the aim of the Aotearoa Council to ensure that natural and common law judicial courts are established to adjudicate the coming arrests, trials, sentences, and imprisonment of those guilty parties and individuals, as New Zealand courts have been corrupted and there are a multitude of case examples in many issue areas in which justice has not been served.
The Aotearoa Council of the Committee to Support the ITNJ stands for justice and total free will for every human being, and realizing equal rights and dignity for each member of the human family on beautiful planet Earth. Our mission is to ensure this utopia is a reality and to bring about circumstances to allow for this to occur sooner rather than later!
The Aotearoa Council operates within principles of Magna Carta, Natural Law and Common Law and unites the many different cultures and peoples living in our nation under the one and only Creator based on truth, justice, do no harm to others, freedom of will, and service to others, with total love and respect for all living things; to ensure the health of the planet and all its creations within is paramount.
The Aotearoa Council seeks to embolden the nation to stand against tyranny of those wishing to enslave us through deceit and corruption within government, banking, commerce, policing, military and intelligence agencies, and the many secret societies who have controlled our everyday lives for centuries that we now realise are to the detriment of the people of the world.
The Aotearoa Council will endeavour to uphold the Mana (Honour), Wairua (Spirit) and integrity for all people and their rights as human beings in the eyes of the Creator!
Our mission, and we have accepted this mission with open arms, commitment and passion, is to ensure this Mission Statement becomes a reality!
Join Us! Volunteers Needed and Welcomed
The Aotearoa Council has discussed and proposed several cases, and infighting amongst council members has deterred those cases being brought before the ITNJ. Twice, Council leaders have been removed for cause. The Council awaits new volunteers to come forward with focus and resolve. Although the ITNJ is currently not accepting new cases, it has been our experience that research, investigation, and preparation to bring a case to trial takes many months, so the time to start is now.
Jenese James is serving as the point of contact for new volunteers to gather together. The case currently under consideration is the aerial spraying of the poison 1080 by the government of New Zealand on the forests, farms, and waterways of our beautiful countryside. Many people are in agreement that something must be done, and the scientific evidence is irrefutable that 1080 does more harm than good. And again, the various groups that want something done cannot agree to work together to bring a case to the ITNJ. So this case awaits someone to step forward and take the role of Prosecutor to galvanise the necessary legal action.
The Aotearoa Council seeks new leadership with integrity, resolve, and a solid understanding of law, including natural law, common law, international law (at least as far as understanding the treaties which founded Aotearoa), and the law currently practiced in our dysfunctional Crown court systems. We will also need many more volunteers to support bringing a case to the ITNJ. Skills especially helpful include research, paralegal or legal secretary, administrative, social media, video, graphics, executive assistant, fundraising and crowd-funding, accounting, web publishing (WordPress), writing, blogging, social media, and technical support. Please contact Jenese at to volunteer.
Jenese James
Administrator for Aotearoa Council of the Committee to Support the ITNJ
Jenese is politically and spiritually conscious, with many talents. A mother, grandmother, and wise woman, she created a magazine based on political, environmental, and spiritual issues, and as an investigative researcher and writer, stands strongly against social injustice while being a powerful advocate for Natural Justice within her community and the world in general. Having run her own successful business, Jenese brings a range of knowledge, organisational, administrative, and management skills to the team. She is a natural born organiser, having initiated and organised events within her local community.
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