Netherlands Chapter of the Committee to Support the ITNJ
Vision Statement of the Dutch (Netherlands) Chapter
We the people of the Netherlands want to create: a new society and lifestyle where natural justice is upheld and given to all. The right to govern ourselves, the way of live that provides and takes care of all who participate and are integral part of it.
Prosperity for marine wealth and health, Protection of all wildlife and natural habitat, Sharing and caring for all people and those from all corners of the world. In doing so securing a functional holistic system of diversity so that all of the above can benefit and grow.
We believe that in order to right the wrongs of monetary economic prison, the money factor should be eliminated from society, replacing it with creating a future of abundance and a mission driven model which is: a way of living that promotes and facilitates ways to: explore, create, love and evolve.
Mission of the Dutch (Netherlands) Chapter
We assist and give guidance to people and communities wishing to establish and participate in the ITNJ organisation. We assist disputing parties with alternative dispute remedies, giving legal advice and building bridges to connect people.
Hans Van Poelgeest, Chapter Chair
My name is Hans van Poelgeest, 41 years and living in the Netherlands. As a certified NASM personal trainer and teacher of holistic wellbeing I have been active in coaching people to a healthy lifestyle for the last 20 years plus. Receiving the message from the ITNJ asking if I would like to participate in the organisation, I was really positive in my response. I firmly believe that the world has a need for balance and restoration of all that has been lost or destroyed thru and by the acts of individuals, groups, governments and so on. My goal is to connect people with the ITNJ, contribute to the cause for which it stands, promote a natural way for all to follow and bringing those who do wrong to justice in a peaceful inviting way.
Mijn naam is Hans van Poelgeest, 41 jaar en woonachtig in Nederland (Zuid-Holland). Ik ben actief werkzaam als fitness trainer en heb mijn eigen bedrijf. De uitnodiging van het ITNJ is er één die me op het lijf geschreven is. Het is mijn overtuiging dat Ik een sterke bijdrage kan leveren aan het proces van realisatie. Ik zal me inzetten om de boodschap bij zoveel mogelijk organisaties onder de aandacht te brengen. Welzijn van onze planeet, de natuur, dieren en mensen is mijn doel.