Bar Association
Corruption of the Bar Association
The Judicial System: Closed Union Shops Violating Your Rights
Court systems in the US are running closed union shops and actively prevent Pro Se litigants from accessing needed documents or information.
The Bar Associations: Modern Day Grifters
To [grift] is to obtain money or other assets through swindle or fraud. That brief definition accurately describes what is practiced routinely by members of the BAR Associations across the country. And nowhere is it more prevalent than it is with regards to the insidious guardianship/conservatorship venues. More money is stolen from the disabled, children and seniors, conserved and/or guardianized, than can actually be calculated, and much of that theft is going directly into the accounts of lawyers who use the probate and family courts as personal ATM machines.
Professional Probate: 3 Billion Annually in Stolen Estates
While it is imperative for the organized criminal rings operating under cover of probate courts to convince the public that it is only squabbling family members who abuse, neglect, financially exploit and mentally torture the elderly, the fact is, 95% of these cases are committed by professional fiduciary’s; strangers to the family and the victim. Commonly referred to as predatory guardians, these individuals have amassed massive fortunes at the expense of the elderly who committed the new age crime of “aging with assets.”
David vs. Goliath: The People versus a Corrupt Judiciary
“I soon found myself focusing myself not upon government corruption, but upon those covering up for government corruption, i.e., the courts. I learned that all government corruption is founded up, and hosted by the judges starting from the trial level, going upward to the United States Supreme Court, of which I have now approached fifteen times with all the same results – fraud and cover up! I concluded that there could not be one in a million that was getting the experience I was. While all court corruption generally originates with government corruption, government corruption is irrelevant in light of the greater problem with the judiciary.”